
  • Nato Peradze



coraline, conceptual metaphor theory, cognitive linguistics, conceptual metonymy


This research embraces conceptual metaphors and metonymies in Neil Gaiman’s book “Coraline”. The theoretical framework of the article is based on the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), and the Contemporary Theory of Metaphor by Lakoff (1993). The article employs the qualitative method of analysis: the metaphoric and metonymic linguistic expressions from the book have been selected and grouped according to their corresponding cognitive metaphors and conceptual metonymies. Thus, the research aims to identify and analyze these linguistic expressions and their conceptual metaphors and metonymies, identify their significance and relation to the plot, and the function of universal and cultural-specific metaphors.

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Author Biography

Nato Peradze

Nato Peradze is a PhD student at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. She teaches English at the department of English Philology. Nato is working in the field of cognitive linguistics and studies conceptual metaphors in children’s literature.


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How to Cite

Peradze, N. (2023). CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS AND METONYMIES IN “CORALINE” BY N. GAIMAN. Online Journal of Humanities ETAGTSU, (8), pages 12.



