On the example of trigger


  • Nata Chkhaidze Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University



Terminology, Explanatory-Combinatorial Lexicology, Frame-based Terminology, Semantic Bridges, Polysemy in Terminology


The world of terminology has experienced a significant shift over the past two decades. Traditionally, terms were seen as univocal, but this perception has changed as terms have evolved, developing polysemy, homonymy, and synonymy. This evolution has brought them closer to the structure of general-language words, blurring the lines between the two. The terminologization of general-language words, determinologization of terms, and term migration between multiple domains through metaphorization have also become widespread, adding to the complexity of the field. This dynamic landscape necessitates a reevaluation of existing terminological and terminology-adjacent lexicological theories and the development of new methodologies for terminology treatment, management, and visualization in dictionaries. This paper introduces a novel approach to terminology meaning analysis. By synthesizing and transforming lexicological theories (Explanatory-Combinatorial Lexicology, more specifically, Semantic Bridges, and Frame-Based Terminology), as well as implementing Etymology and Definition analyses, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the meanings of polysemous terms. Moreover, several digital research resources and software tools were used to analyze empirical data. Thus, our methodology offers a fresh perspective on the terminological dictionary entry.

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Author Biography

Nata Chkhaidze, Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Nata Chkhaidze obtained her master’s degree in English studies (Module Language and Lexicography) at the Faculty of Humanities, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Her master’s thesis, “Towards the Automatic Tagging of Terms in Parallel Corpus (On the Basis of Psychiatric Terminology),” focused on studying automatic or semi-automatic term tagging software tools and ongoing linguistic processes in the terminology domain. Her scope of interest lies in Terminology, Lexicography, Lexical Semantics, Cognitive Linguistics, Corpus- and Computer Linguistics.


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How to Cite

Chkhaidze, N. (2024). TOWARDS THE TREATMENT OF POLYSEMOUS TERMS: On the example of trigger. Online Journal of Humanities ETAGTSU, (9), pages 14.



